Wet Paint
STATUS: Completed
FINALIST: Videoscream International Film Festival
Gram is an artist, a painter of flowers and landscapes. At one of his exhibitions, a gallery that may catapult him to the top of the art world, he meets Reagan, a lewd yet irresistible woman. As the two embark on a strange relationship, Gram soon begins to notice a change in both his person and his art. His world is constantly becoming darker and self-destructive, ironically leading him to more fame and wealth. He soon begins to suspect Reagan of being something unnatural, something otherworldly. But has he fallen too deep into the abyss that is depravity? Or can he grab ahold of his life once more and do what must be done?
G&E Productions in association with Black Illusion Pictures
Directed by: Geroni J. Saint-Hilaire
Screenplay by: Gregory Cioffi
Based on the Short Story by: Emily Dinova
Reagan: Emily Dinova
Gram: Gregory Cioffi
Fredrick Storm: Martin Pfeffercorn
Charles: Gary Sugai
Gracey Storm: Renee Kay
Press: Bruce Waldman