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“Don’t think about making art, just get it done. Let everyone else decide if it’s good or bad, whether they love it or hate it. While they are deciding, make even more art. “
— Andy Warhol

We here at G&E very strongly agree with this sentiment. We believe that just because you may not have the budget to make a film, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make that film. After all, creating, for artists is not just a want—it’s a need. 

 Garage Shorts is a creative subsidiary to G&E Productions. For you theatregoers out there, think of G&E as the Main-Stage while Garage Shorts act as our smaller studio “Black Box”. Here we create short films with, essentially, no budget at all. We simply pick up a camera and make something.  We are creating out of pure inclination and desire—to just put it out there.  As they so eloquently say, “Throw a bunch of shit against the wall and see what sticks.”

Behold our wall. And our cinematic shit. 

Professor P's Knee (2024) - Professor P ponders, to his doctor, how he could have possibly injured his knee...

A Bite Out of Crime (2021) - An inept detective, investigating the murder of Mister Softee, is befuddled when his only witness is a dog named Henry...

A Foot in the Door (2020) - A man looking to get ahead in life finally gets his foot in the door...literally.

*This short won the Reel13 Film Challenge and, in May of 2020, aired on THIRTEEN, the flagship public television station of the New York City tri-state area and the most-watched public television channel in the nation